What if all of our desires that we have outsourced to machines could be better realized by our already harmonious natural world by simply understanding it better?
Our goal is to work with a team of scientists to explore our mineral, mycelium, fungal, bacterial and micro-animal kingdoms in conjunction with active consciousness potentials in a scientific setting. Natural technologies can provide sovereignty, allowing each individual to create their own personal ideas of ever changing Utopia.
We are currently in our funding stage for THE LAB.
If this sounds like a future you would like to support you can buy one of our NFT’s at or you can donate here and give the gift of possibility and use the receipt for a tax write off.
Uses the action potential of consciousness to combine the mineral, plant and micro animal kingdoms in way never before thought possible.
We are in the time of water and understanding its infinite connection to all that is. Planaria are immortal worms that live in water and have been with our planet since the genesis of life.
We are exploring the consciousness of the micro and macro worlds through channeled sessions with scientists.
We worked with mathematician Adtya Sengar to create simulations running probable future outcomes for humanity with the presence of AI. We were interested in testing action potentials that humans have control over, our consciousness. We explore what happens to the probability of continuing the human race far into the ages along side AI, if we focus on inner consciousness (meditation) or outer consciousness (the external world).
From Adtya
In the simulation world, the world has an intelligence threshold for inner and outer consciousness potentials. Beyond that intelligence threshold, humans start focusing on inner and outer consciousness (what the threshold means that there should be sufficient human population with sufficient intelligence beyond which humans can focus on the inner and outer consciousness). Interestingly when humans start focusing on outer consciousness and see the world as it is, they become one with the world. This does not happen when they seek inner consciousness. This is visible in the simulation videos where the net population of human species is larger when humans focus on inner consciousness as compared to when they focus on outer consciousness.
An interesting situation occurs when we introduce machines. Initially, human population increases and machines and AI increase. But beyond the inner threshold, humans start becoming less and less reliable on machines and eventually the population of machines and AI decreases. Human species forms the only major survivor eventually.
Things take a drastic turn when humans only focus on external consciousness. (I really like this simulation). In this case, initially human population increases and gives birth to machines and AI. Beyond the external intelligence threshold, humans start perceiving the external world as it is and become one with the world (and leave the boundaries of space and time). However, machines and AIs which were built by humans in their world still perceive the world as humans initially did. As a consequence, human population declines while becoming one with the world, whereas machines and AIs start population the earth.
In the final case, when humans focus on both inner and outer consciousness, another interesting things happen. We now see that for longer times, both humans and AI are living together in the world (with humans forming the majority).
Morphic Resonance
By Rupert Sheldrake: Morphic resonance is a process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems. In its most general formulation, morphic resonance means that the so-called laws of nature are more like habits. The hypothesis of morphic resonance also leads to a radically new interpretation of memory storage in the brain and of biological inheritance. Memory need not be stored in material traces inside brains, which are more like TV receivers than video recorders, tuning into influences from the past. And biological inheritance need not all be coded in the genes, or in epigenetic modifications of the genes; much of it depends on morphic resonance from previous members of the species. Thus each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and also contributes to the collective memory, affecting other members of the species in the future. Read more