
2025 dates COMING SOON





Your Guide:  Egyptologist/Archeologist

Internationally acknowledged as one of the world’s leading Egyptologists. He is the walking “Encyclopedia Britannica” of ancient Egypt’s hidden mysteries. Even after 45 years of guiding, he brings an authenticity that irresistibly draws a person into the mysteries still present in these sacred temples. The love he has for these ancient temples, coupled with his profound understanding of the science and consciousness of the ancient Egyptians, their hidden mysteries, and esoteric secrets, provide “keys” to the person’s own wisdom within. 

Throughout this special experiential program, he will share, over 4 decades, of his knowledge and wisdom of ancient Egyptian mythology, their cosmology, and his unique insights into their sacred teachings on life, death, and the afterlife. 

He has been the guide for many leading transformational teachers and New York Times best-selling authors such as Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Jean Houston, Nicki Scully, Normandi Ellis to name a few. He has also guided groups with Unity Ministers, UCRS Ministers and the Rosicrucians.

On meeting Emil, one is captured by his genuine warmth, great sense of humor and his wondrous "enthusiasm for life.”  One of his great joys is sharing his beloved homeland of Egypt with those who are fortunate to be with him. 



Your Host:  Explorer of Consciousness

Jen has worked as an “open channel” for the Institute of Noetic Science in Berkeley, CA and has a certification in neuroscience from Harvard.

She views humans as organic antennae, designed to communicate with all there is. She is passionate about the exploration of consciousness and helping others to open their own unique channels. Remember where, who and what they are.


Meet THe NILE LILY Our Private Felucca


We will have a private two hour visit at ISIS Temple here on the island of Philae


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